Spire Proxy Host List

On December 26th, 2011 hackers Chpwn and Ryan Petrich released the Spire Cydia tweak to the BigBoss repo. Now, in case you have not heard of the Spire Cydia tweak it is a fully-functional port of Siri for older models of the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. While, the Spire Cydia tweak is a complete port of Siri it does has some limitations – you need to have access to an iPhone 4S and be able to setup your own Proxy Server.
Hit the Facebook LIKE button if you would like to know when a free Spire Proxy Host or Siri Proxy Server is released.

Spire Proxy Host list
If you do not have an iPhone 4S or find it too complicated to setup a Spire we are presuming there will be some individuals who will make their own Spire Proxy servers public. Thus, this page from iJailbreak.com is dedicated to Spire Proxy Hosts that you can enter into your Spire configuration in the Settings.app.

Spire Proxy Host List

 Name: iModZone
Cost: $20/year
Website: http://imzdl.com/siri/
Verified: Yes
Name: iCrackr
Cost: $20/year
Website: http://icrackr.com/
Verified: Yes
Name: The Three Little Pigs
Cost: Free
Website: http://paradox-productions.net/
Host URL: https://paradox-productions.net/
Certificate: http://paradox-productions.net/files/certs/cerftificate.pem
Note: These paid/free proxy servers have been verified by user reviews, but iJailbreak.com takes no responsibility for unreliable service.
Name: Siri.Cd-Team
Cost: Free
Host URL: https://siri.cd-team.org/
Description: I have personally not been able to get this Spire proxy server to work (I think the server was overloaded). I am posting it, however, as it may come back online in the future and you may have luck getting it to work.
Name: Unknown
Cost: Free
Host URL: Requires Donation
Description: I have not personally tested this paid Spire Proxy Server but I have heard that it is legit. The creator of this Spire Proxy server, however has mentioned his servers are full at this time (more will be available soon).
Name: Unknown
Cost: Free
Host URL:
Name: Unknown
Cost: Free
Host URL: https://192.453.201:3544/
Name: Unknown
Cost: Free
Host URL:
Name: Unknown
Cost: Free
Host URL:
Name: Unknown
Cost: Free
Host URL:
Name: Unknown
Cost: Free
Host URL:
Name: Root Hacks
Cost: Free
Website: http://root-hacks.blogspot.com/
Host URL: https://siri-bh.no-ip.org:1000
Host URL: https://siri-bh.no-ip.org:1001
Host URL: https://siri-bh.no-ip.org:1002
Host URL: https://siri-bh.no-ip.org:1003
Host URL: https://siri-bh.no-ip.org:1004
Host URL: https://siri-bh.no-ip.org:1005
Needed crt: http://siri-bh.no-ip.org/blog-4.crt
Name: SiriSn0w
Host URL: https://alpha.sirisn0w.com
Certificate: http://sirisn0w.com/dev/ca.pem
Website: http://alpha.sirisn0w.com/webInterface/?page=homepage

Name: siriproxyserver.t15.org
Name: http://jakewilliamsmith.com/siri/
Name: http://www.sirikeys.com/
Name: http://SpireProxy.co.uk/
More Coming Soon (list is updated as more are discovered)…
Keep in mind that as soon as free Siri Proxy hosts become available we will update this list, so please check back soon. In the mean time if you are looking for a How To guide on how to install Spire to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad please click here.

December 27th, 2011 Update: I have heard rumors of certain Spire proxy hosts starting to make their way across the internet, and I have even spotted some of you guys mentioning a couple in the comments section. The problem that I see with some of the first Spire proxy hosts launching is too many people connecting to them (making them unreliable and not worth your time). The only way I see Spire Proxy hosts becoming available is if people charge money to rent spaces on a dedicated Spire Proxy server. This would ensure not too much traffic is associated with one iPhone 4S identifier and would make things work reliably. To be honest, this is how I think we will see some of the first Spire Proxy servers released. Regardless of this fact, however, I ensure you I will update this page with any form of Spire Proxy hosts that becomes available so stay tuned (at this time I still have not found any). Please contact us if you come across one by clicking here.
December 29th, 2011 Update:  Spire Proxy hosts are taking longer than I personally anticipated to surface. I have seen a lot of Spire Proxies circling around the internet, but most of them do not last longer than an hour. The biggest reason I am updating the Spire Proxy Hosts list is to warn you not to trust website claiming they will give you a Spire Proxy Host space for a rental fee. I made the mistake of posting one of these websites on this list and it turned out to be a scam. Now, to make things worse  a lot of scammers are trying to take advantage of people to make money off fake claims. We will be the first to let you know of a legit Spire Proxy Host, so please stay tuned and protect yourself from wasting your money.
January 1st, 2012 Update: I have not given an official update for some time now and this is because I have not come across a Spire Proxy Hots that has actually worked for myself. The closest I have gotten Spire to actually work is with the Spire Hosts I posted earlier  by Root Hacks, but even they failed to work in the end. The best advice I can give anyone waiting for a Spire Proxy host is to be patient until a paid Proxy  server is available. There is absolutely no way a free Spire Proxy host could operate unless someone developed software to limit the amount of users connected to the server. Please stay tuned as another update will come soon.
January 3rd, 2012 Update: We have recently written a detailed how to guide on how to create your own Spire Proxy server if you own an iPhone 4S or can get access to an iPhone 4S. This will actually allow you to get Spire to work as you will be creating your own private server. Click here to follow this how to guide.
January 29th, 2011 Update: Thanks to user feedback I can confirm that iCrackr’s server is indeed legit. They charge $20 a year and at this time there has been little issues with downtime associated with them. Another paid Spire Proxy host that I have been hearing good things about is iModZones server, which also charges $20 a year. If you are looking into purchasing a paid Spire Proxy server spot I would purchase it from one of the two website I have just mentioned.


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