MissionBoard Cydia Tweak Updated, Finally Replaces Stock App Switcher

Remember the recently released Cydia tweak MissionBoard? The tweak that brought Joost Van Der Ree’s app switcher concept to reality has now been updated and is ready to replace your stock iOS App Switcher.
MissionBoard Cydia Tweak
The previous version of MissionBoard could only show you the apps running frozen in the background, but there wasn’t any way to kill specific app. With MissionBoard version 1.2.2, which is now available in Cydia, you can kill apps by tapping and holding the app card. The apps wiggle and you can kill them by hitting the delete button. The tweak has also been optimized and is much faster than before. The developer has also taken care of certain Activator related bugs.
MissionBoard 1.2.2 can now truly replace your stock App Switcher. Try the latest update and tell us what you think of it. Is your Double tap action going to use this App Switcher or the stock one?


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