Add The Status Bar To iOS App Switcher With The App Switcher Status Bar Cydia Tweak

Here’s a new tweak, which in spite of being very simple, can sometimes come in handy. If you’ve noticed, whenever you double-tap the home button to open the multitasking app switcher in iOS, the status bar on top disappears. That in-turn, hides the clock, the network bars, battery percentage etc.
App Switcher Status Bar Cydia Tweak
Like I said, generally this is nothing important, but it still may be worth a try if you think it could be useful to show the status bar when you’re in the App Switcher. That’s basically everything this tweak does, it shows you the missing status bar, right on top of the app switcher. This way, you can tell the time, battery percentage, while you’re switching apps.
App Switcher Status Bar Cydia Tweak: Show App Switcher Status Bar
App Switcher Status Bar is available in the ModMyi repo for $0.99. I’m not sure, if you should get this tweak, but to each their own. I for one, can survive not knowing the time or my battery percentage when using the App Switcher. Try it out and give us your opinion on this tweak.


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